
How to.... Give yourself a perfect manicure

HOW TO će biti jedna od redovnih rubrika u kojima ćete moći da nađete naše savete vezane za različite stvari. Bilo bi super da nam i vi date po neki predlog, u skladu sa vašim željama :)
Ovog puta krenućemo od uredno sređenih noktiju.
Savršen manikir možete uraditi sami kod kuće, bez velikih troškova ili odlazaka u salone. Mi to radimo same, Eli češće, a  ja malo ređe... U svakom slučaju, u ovom malom ritualu mi i te kako uživamo.
Idealno je da imate turpiju sa 4 strane, jer sa njom možete da skratite nokte, da ih oblikujete, izravnate i ispolirate. Tim redom i krenite... Isturpijajte nokte do željene dužine i oblikujte ih (kockasti, lagano zaobljeni ili polukružni – to je stvar ukusa). Kad to završite posvetite se nokatnoj ploči. Izravnajte je nežnim delom turpije, lagano je prevlačeći preko cele nokatne ploče i onda ih ispolirajte sa najmekšim delom. Kad sve to završite, operite ruke.
Ukoliko su vam nokti slabi, namažite samo vrh noktiju vodeći računa da ne namažete i zanoktice, sa našim omiljenim MAVALA SCIENTIFIQUE  hardener-om (sredstvo za jačanje noktiju). Kad se osuši, namažite bazu preko celog nokta.
Možda vam se sve ovo čini kao neki dug proces, ali i sami znate da je ovo najvažniji deo sređivanja noktiju jer samo na glatkim i fino obrađenim noktima lak dugo stoji. Zatim nalakirajte nokte nekom divnom bojom.
Preko laka namažite MAVALA  DRY  - providan premaz za brzo sušenje laka. Sa njim lak se osuši bukvalno za 2 minuta, a uz to ima i divan sjaj! Ovog proizvoda se nikada ne bismo odrekle!
Još samo jedan korak do kraja. Na zanoktice nanesite ulje ili kremu za zanoktice, a ukoliko nemate ništa od toga, možete upotrebiti i neku hidratantnu kremu.
Ne zaboravite da su lepi nokti ne samo ukras lepe ženske ruke već i odraz negovanosti i kulture....
E&N xx

How to…. will be one of our constant heading where you the readers can find our opinions and advice on various topics. Your questions, inputs, suggestions are more than welcomed.

The topic that will open our How to heading will be how to give yourself a perfect manicure.
Perfect manicure can easily be done at home on your own, without going to the salons and wasting your money. We do it ourselves all the time, Eli does it more often that I do, but we sure do enjoy the process.It is ideal to have a nail file that has 4 sides to it. With this nail file you can file your nails, shape them, buffer and polish. This is the order that you need to follow. First you start by filing your nails to the length that you prefer, after you give them a shape for example square, round, it is all individual. When you finish with these two steps, you start buffering your nail bed. You use the gentler side of your nail file and slowly and easily stroke it through the whole surface of your nail. Once you have smoothed out all the bumps, you then take the very softest side of the nail file and you polish your nails. Once this procedure has been completed, you can wash your hands.
In case you do not have very strong nails, and they are easy to bend and split, we recommend that you take our favorite nail strengthener MAVALA SCIENTIFIQUE and apply it only to the tip of your nails, making sure that you do not touch cuticles. Once it has dried, you can apply base cote on your nails.
This might seem to you as a very long process, but as you know this is the most important part of getting a manicure, because nail polish stays longer on the smoother and buffered surfaces. Now you can pick the color you prefer and apply it.
After you are done painting your nails, you can grab MAVALA DRY and apply it over your nail polish onto your nails. This product is clear over cote and it dries your nails in 2 minutes, and it also gives this beautiful shine. WE would never give it up!!!
One last step: Apply some oil or cuticle crème onto your cuticles. If you do not have any of these products, you can always use some hydrating crème.
Having beautiful nails, is not only an accessory that women needs, it is also a reflection of care, hygiene, and culture.
E&N xx


  1. Manikir svako radi na svoj način, ali vi ste baš lepo objasnile! Fotografije su vam odlične!

  2. Svaka čast devojke... Zadovoljstvo je posetiti vaš blog jer su slike prelepe i uvek može nešto korisno da se pročita. Konačno da neko napiše da je savršen manikir potpuno izvodljivo uraditi i kod kuće!
    Samo napred, jevda čekam da postavite novi blog!!!

  3. MAVA DRY - za svaku preporuku!
    Devojke jako lepo! Pozz

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  7. Very useful tips! I always use Mavala's base coat, and then my lifesaver, Mavadry! It makes my manicures last for weeks!!!
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