Gledajući razne fotografije lepo
našminkanih devojaka iz časopisa, često sam se pitala da li bi mi tako nešto
stajalo i konstatovala kako su one savršene pošto su bile u rukama
profesionalaca, sve dok u moju kancelariju nije ušetala, sada već moja
drugarica Nale. Ona je iskusan Make up artist i godinama ulepšava devojke sa
naslovnih strana, na revijama, editorijalima, venčanjima i raznim drugim
prilikama. Zamislite moju sreću! Odmah sam počela sa
pitanjima, a verujte, bilo ih je mnooogo! Sada slobodno mogu da kažem da znam
skoro sve šminkerske cake, barem one koje mi je ona odala :).
Naime, najvažniji postupak u
šminkanju jeste teniranje ili šminkanje lica. Kada je lice glatko, a boja
ujednačena, sve ostalo (senke, rumenilo, ruževi...) trebalo bi da prilagodite
prilici za koju se šminkate i naravno, vašoj ličnosti. Pre svega, morate poznavati
vaš tip kože, da li je ona suva, mešovita ili masna, jer od toga zavisi odgovarajući izbor pudera i ostalih proizvoda. Takođe, vodite računa prilikom izbora boje pudera jer bi ona trebala biti najpribližnija boji vašeg tena.
Mi ćemo vam dati savete i
predloge proizvoda za sva tri tipa kože, i nadamo se pomoći da uživate i u ovom
procesu ulepšavanja.
Da bude jednostavnije idemo
korak po korak:
I - Najosnovnije je da šminku
uvek nanosite na čisto lice
II - Baza
Pre bilo kog proizvoda možete (a i ne morate) naneti podlogu za šminku - bazu ili prajmer, neki puderi je već u sebi sadrže. Ona je važna jer izjednačava boju tena i glača površinu kože, tako da puder lepše prijanja i potrebna je manja količina za odlične rezultate.
Pre bilo kog proizvoda možete (a i ne morate) naneti podlogu za šminku - bazu ili prajmer, neki puderi je već u sebi sadrže. Ona je važna jer izjednačava boju tena i glača površinu kože, tako da puder lepše prijanja i potrebna je manja količina za odlične rezultate.
I use to go through the magazines
looking all these beautiful girls with perfect make up. Those girls were
handled by professionals. I always wondered if something like that would look
good on me. Until one day, she walked in my office, now my very good friend
Nale. She is a very experienced Make Up Artist. She worked on many cover page
magazines, fashions shows, editorials, countless weddings and any other event
where make up artist is needed. Imagine my luck!!! I have overwhelmed her with
questions! It is safe to say that I know every little trick in the book when it
comes to applying the make up! The far most important step in
applying the makeup on your face is to get the perfect shade of foundation for
your face. When your face skin is smooth and the color is adapted, all the
other steps to applying makeup such as blush, eye shadow, lipsticks should be
modified to occasion, outfit and of course your personality. First of all, you need to be familiar
to your skin type, you need to know if it’s dry, oily, mixture of both.
Everything else that you apply to your face needs to be picked for your skin type.
In our post here, we will give you advice and products selection for all three
types of skin. We hope that you will enjoy in this beauty process.
To make it simple we will go step by step:
To make it simple we will go step by step:
I - The basics are: always apply makeup
on clean face
II - Primer
Before applying any product on your face, you could (or not) apply primer or base for makeup, some foundations already contain this element. The primer is an important step, because it equalizes the skin tones on the face and smooths out the imperfections. When using the primer, less amount of foundation is needed.
II - Primer
Before applying any product on your face, you could (or not) apply primer or base for makeup, some foundations already contain this element. The primer is an important step, because it equalizes the skin tones on the face and smooths out the imperfections. When using the primer, less amount of foundation is needed.
Bases or Primers
(Baze) - Artdeco Make up Base (baza) 1.887 din.; Guerlain Radiance Concentrate
with pure gold (podloga za puder sa česticama zlata) 7.182 din.
III - Nakon baze idemo na tečni puder
III - Nakon baze idemo na tečni puder
Ovde ćemo naići na različita
mišljenja profesionalnih šminkera, pa se verovatno pitate da li korektor
nanositi pre ili posle pudera? Naš odgovor je da i u ovom slučaju možete
probati oba načina i videti šta vašem tenu više odgovara. Mi praktikujemo da
nanesemo prvo puder, jer on sam već uradi pola posla, pa tek onda korektor. Tečni puder možete nanositi prstima, sunđerima
ili četkama za tečni puder. Ako nas pitate šta je najbolje – sve! Najbolje je
ono što je vama najlakše i ono što po vama pokazuje najbolji efekat. Istina je
da kada se tečni puder nanosi prstima, toplota prstiju ga otapa tako da on fino
i brzo prijanja na kožu. Ako ga nanosite četkom za puder, može se desiti da ona
ostavi za sobom trag sitnih linija od dlačica, tako da na kraju ipak pređete
prstima preko celog lica kako biste to ujednačili. Naravno, sve to zavisi od vaše
kože i kvaliteta četke koju koristite. Mi od srca preporučujemo Artdeco Perfect Finish Powder Brush i Deborah Make up brush. Moramo priznati da je Perfect finish naš favorit! Nju koristite tako što uzmete
određenu količinu pudera (obično veličine zrna graška ili dva) i stavite na
ruku. Uzmete četku, pokupite određenu količinu sa njom i istapkate lice. Onda
sledi zabavan deo kada kružnim pokretima nanosite puder na celo lice, i gledate
kako vaš ten postaje sve lepši i lepši....
III - After primer, comes
the foundation
You are probably wondering if you
should apply foundation first or the concealer. This opinion varies from a
professional to a professional. You can try both ways and see what works for
your skin tone. Our opinion is to apply the foundation first, because it
already does half the job, than you apply the concealer to the spots that have
not been covered by foundation.
When it comes to foundation, there is
multiple ways of applying it, like with your fingers, foundation brushes,
sponges. If you ask us which one is the best way-we say all of them! It is all
individual. Whatever works for you. It is true that when you apply the
foundation with your fingers, that the heat that is produced, softens and melts
the foundation so the skins soaks it in easier. If you apply it with the brush,
it could happen that the brush leaves the trails of small hair behind on your
face, so at the end you have to rub it in with your fingers to remove the
residue of your face. But that all depends on your skin type and of course the
quality of the brushes you are using. We deeply recommend these two types of
brushes Artdeco Perfect Finish
Powder Brush i Deborah Make up brush. We gotta admit that PERFECT FINISH is our favorite! Take specific
amount of the foundation, usually the size of a pea, put it on your palm, take
your brush, put some foundation on it and dab it to your face. The fun part
starts when you in circular motion keep applying the foundation with your
brush, and observe your skin tone becoming more beautiful.
(Tečni puderi) - Guerlain Lingerie De
Peau (sa svilom i lanom - puder za sve tipove kože – odlična pokrivenost) 6.050 din.; Chanel
Teint Innocence (možete naći zamenu za njega Vitalumiere Aqua – puder za sve tipove kože –
srednja pokrivenost) 4.857din.; Artdeco Long Lasting Foundation oil free (dugotrajni
tečni puder bez ulja - za normalnu i suvu kožu - odlična pokrivenost) 2.687 din.; Sisley Skinleya Anti Aging (tretmanski puder sa
poludragim kamenjem, dobija se i četkica - za normalnu i suvu kožu - srednja
pokrivenost) 17.155din.; Shiseido Radiant Lifting Foundation (bez obzira što je
u nazivu “lifting” namenjen je i mlađim i starijim osobama, više se odnosi na trenutni efekat i blistavost kože - za normalnu i suvu kožu - srednja pokrivenost) 5.931 din.; Sisley Phyto Tent Eclat
oil free (tečni puder bez ulja - puder za sve tipove kože - odlična pokrivenost) 11.246din.; Max
Factor Facefinity 3in1 (baza, korektor i tečni puder - za masnu i normalnu kožu - dobra
pokrivenost) 1.596 din.; Artdeco Rich Treatment (za osetljivu kožu - za normalnu i suvu kožu - odlična pokrivenost) 2.359 din.
Brushes (Četke) – Deborah Make Up Brush (četka za tečni puder) 982din. and Artdeco Perfect Finish Brush (četka za tečni puder u prahu) 2.014din
IV - Zatim korektor...
Za sitne nepravilnosti na koži, kao što su crvenila, bubuljice, ožiljci... koristite korektor u stiku ili one sa najvećom pokrivnom moći, a to su kamuflažni korektori. Oni zaista pokrivaju sve ako odaberete pravu nijansu. Važno je da korektor, ma koje strukture bio, nanosite tapkanjem prstiju, a ukoliko preferirate četke, istim pokretima prekrijete željeno mesto. Na taj način nećete razvući korektor po licu i on će zaista ostati tu gde treba, iznad mesta koje želimo da pokrijemo.
IV - Then concealer...
For the tiny imperfections on your skin, such as redness, pimples, scars, use the concealer in the stick form, or the ones that have the biggest coverage, those are cold the camouflage concealers. They do cover almost everything if you pick the right shade. It is important that concealer is applied by dabbing the fingers on the area that needs to be covered, but if you prefer to use brushes, follow the same instructions. This way you are insuring that the concealer will stay on the wanted spots. For the areas around the eyes, the best is to use the concealers that are in liquid form, because their fine texture is the soothing for the soft skin of the eyelids and under the eyes. Yes, you have heard correct. You apply the concealer on your eyelids, so the eye shadow will last longer.
For the tiny imperfections on your skin, such as redness, pimples, scars, use the concealer in the stick form, or the ones that have the biggest coverage, those are cold the camouflage concealers. They do cover almost everything if you pick the right shade. It is important that concealer is applied by dabbing the fingers on the area that needs to be covered, but if you prefer to use brushes, follow the same instructions. This way you are insuring that the concealer will stay on the wanted spots. For the areas around the eyes, the best is to use the concealers that are in liquid form, because their fine texture is the soothing for the soft skin of the eyelids and under the eyes. Yes, you have heard correct. You apply the concealer on your eyelids, so the eye shadow will last longer.
Concealers (Korektori) - Artdeco Perfect Teint Concealer (tečni
korektor) 1.632 din.; Artdeco Camouflage Cream (kamuflažni krem korektor) 867 din.; Collistar
Lifting Effect Concealer (tečni korektor sa lifting efektom) 3.603 din.
V - Fiksiranje tena
Najveća greška koju svi prave je da se ovde završava njihova faza teniranja, što je potpuno pogrešno. Sve što smo do sada uradili, trebalo bi fiksirati kako bi šminka trajala celog dana ili noći. Za fiksiranje je najbolje koristiti transparentni puder u prahu koji je laganije teksture od ostalih, ili pak neki fini kompaktni puder u tankom sloju. Preko podočnjaka i kapaka ćete samo lagano preći jer bi prevelika količina pudera na tim mestima samo isušila kožu i istakla bore.
Ukoliko imate mešovitu ili masnu kožu, taj puder
će vam trebati i u toku dana za matiranje lica, jer koža luči sebum ma koji
proizvod koristili, i to je prirodan proces. Ukoliko ne volite da dodajete
puder u toku dana, idealni su papirići za upijanje masnoće. Naša topla
preporuka ARTDECO Oil Control Paper.
V - Ten fixing
The most common mistake that everyone makes is that they think that process of toning your face is over. Now, all that should be fixed with loose powder which helps the make up stay on all day. Usually that is transparent powder with lighter texture than others, or you can use compact powder in very thin layer. Under your eyes and eyelids you will take your brush and slightly go over them, because any heavier amount will just enhance your wrinkles and dried out the skin. In case you have oily skin or mixed, you will need to use this powder during the day for soaking up the residue. The skin produces sebum during the day, and this is just natural process. The alternative is to use sheets of paper that I specifically made for soaking up the oil. Our recommendation is ARTDECO Oil control paper.
The most common mistake that everyone makes is that they think that process of toning your face is over. Now, all that should be fixed with loose powder which helps the make up stay on all day. Usually that is transparent powder with lighter texture than others, or you can use compact powder in very thin layer. Under your eyes and eyelids you will take your brush and slightly go over them, because any heavier amount will just enhance your wrinkles and dried out the skin. In case you have oily skin or mixed, you will need to use this powder during the day for soaking up the residue. The skin produces sebum during the day, and this is just natural process. The alternative is to use sheets of paper that I specifically made for soaking up the oil. Our recommendation is ARTDECO Oil control paper.
Compact and Loose Powders (Kompaktni i puderi u prahu) - Artdeco Fixing Powder
(beličasti prah puder za fiksiranje tečnog pudera) 1.377din.; Artdeco Dita Von Teese
Compact (svilenkasti sjajni
kopaktni puder) 3.060 din.; Chanel Compact Universal 4.919din.; Guerlain
Parure Compact 6.805 din.; Sisley Phyto-Poudre Compacte 9.579 din.; Artdeco Sun Protection Compact Powder 3.060din..
Sve gore navedene COMPACT pudere možete
koristiti i same, bez tečnog pudera.
Artdeco Oil Control Paper (papirići za upijanje sebuma sa lica) 956 din.
Brushes (Četke za kompaktni puder i puder u prahu) Deborah Powder & Blusher brush 1487 din.
VI - Obrve
Zatim, olovkom
ili senkom popunite obrve, u što sličnijoj nijansi vašim, jer i one daju savršen
okvir vašem pogledu.VI - Eyebrows
Next, you will take a pencil or eye shadow and fill your eyebrows with the closest
color to your natural one. This step contributes greatly to your over look.
Eyebrow Products (Proizvodi za obrve) –
Artdeco Eyebrow pencil (olovka za obrve) 612 din.; Deborah Eyebrow gel (gel za
obrve - nažalost više se ne može naći kod nas); Artdeco Eyeshadow (senka za oči)
610 din.; Artdeco Eyebrow brush (četkica za obrve) 956 din.
VII - Senčenje
Sledeća stavka je senčenje lica, što ćete postići nekim od bronzera. Nanećete ga na jagodice, čelo, nos, i preći
lagano četkom preko celog lica. Važno je ne preterati sa količinom i
odabrati bronzer koji je samo jednu ili dve nijanse tamniji od vašeg tena. Na
kraju stavite malo hajlajtera na najvišu tačku obraza, izbegavajući predeo
VII - Sculpting
The next step is applying bronzer on to your face. Bronzer gives you a nice glow, but you
have to be careful on how much you apply. You will apply it to your nose,
forehead, and your cheekbones. After that you will slightly go over your whole
face with the brush. The bronzer should never be one or two shades darker than
your skin tone. At the end take the highlighter and apply it above your
Blushers (Rumenila) – Deborah Blusher High Tech (boja 12 cacao) 896 din.; Artdeco Bronzing Glow Blusher 2.244 din.; Collistar Bronzing Powder Blusher (boja 08 patchwork roze) 3.739 din.; Guerlain Terracotta Bronzer 5.672 din.
Highlighters - Collistar S-E Maxi Blusher blush with the silky affect (boja 04 confetto) 2.582 din. and Artdeco Illuminating Baked Powder "Dita" (hajlajter za lice i telo) 4.143 din.
Blushers (Rumenila) – Deborah Blusher High Tech (boja 12 cacao) 896 din.; Artdeco Bronzing Glow Blusher 2.244 din.; Collistar Bronzing Powder Blusher (boja 08 patchwork roze) 3.739 din.; Guerlain Terracotta Bronzer 5.672 din.
Highlighters - Collistar S-E Maxi Blusher blush with the silky affect (boja 04 confetto) 2.582 din. and Artdeco Illuminating Baked Powder "Dita" (hajlajter za lice i telo) 4.143 din.
Ovo su proizvodi
koje mi od srca preporučujemo, koristimo i volimo!
These are products that we warmly recommend, use and love!
Now, your face is your canvas, be creative, play with it, and see what works the best for you!
E&N xx
Now, your face is your canvas, be creative, play with it, and see what works the best for you!
E&N xx
Great tips!! Happy Friday ;)
Pearls & Paws
Great make up products,girls!
ReplyDelete-giveaway on my blog
Super ste sve opisale i bas ste se potrudile :) Odlican post "_
ReplyDeleteSounds like the perfect technique
ReplyDeleteGreat posts and great tips!!!! Much Love
ReplyDeleteChari T (deep fried stilettos)xoxo
temeljno :) svaka cast...
ReplyDeleteinspirise na igru sa bojama... :)
what a great post!!! very usefull! i've just started to follow u back :)
ReplyDelete NEW POST! VOTE ME!!!
Supor post. Niste mogle da izaberete bolju sminku za prikaz :D
ReplyDeleteNice post !!! All the make up looks great ! I personnaly i only use mascara and lipstick but this sound great
ReplyDeleteNice blog
Bisous from France
omg you've got tons of make up products to create the perfect tan! would love to see it on you in person :)
ReplyDeletewould you like to follow each other?
stvarno prelepi proizvodi i jako detaljno uputstvo :)
ReplyDeleteAmazing beauty products!
apsolutno se slazhem s vama!!!!! od moje dosadashnje iskustvo sto na sebi sto na druge cure-(posto ja shminkam i cure-da :D) ,paleta Art Deco-a je izvrsna!!!!!!! od pudera do senke do cetke-sve mi je predobro!! ukrale ste mi ideju za post hahaah-predobar vam je i spodelicu ga!!!
ReplyDeletehvala draga :)
DeleteWow great products!!!
ReplyDeleteHave a nice sunday! and my g+ for you...
Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
Hola bella, a mi me encanta todo lo relacionado con el maquillaje... me gusta tu post ^^ te sigo!
ReplyDeleteTe invito a que te pases por mi blog linda.
Un besito desde
wow girls! nice staff!:)
ReplyDeleteAwesome post! Nice staff!
Hi gorgeous!
ReplyDeletegreat shots thank you for this detailed info!
thank you for visiting my blog and for your lovely comments!
I loved your blog, I'm following you via GFC now, would you like to follow me back? Because I couldn't find you in my followers list in gfc:(
thank you
Hi! I love your blog!
ReplyDeleteYou have very interesting things and I like your style.
I will visit my blog and follow me, I will be grateful.
I love all of these! I am definetely addicted to beauty products!! ahahah:) thank you so much for your comment dear:)) keep in touch:)) happy week!
well I want all of them! can I have them pls??
ReplyDeletexxx Ros.e.
p.s. following u now, if u like follow back!
Muy buenos productos!!!
great these products honey, i really love all!!
Great post! you have a nice blog, please check out my blog and if you like follow me on bloglovin and google friend connect, I promise to do the same for you! xx
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment on my blog dear!! I’m following you back on gfc and google+!
ReplyDeleteIf you want we can follow also on bloglovin, fashiolista, google+, twitter, instagram and facebook?
Come back soon to visit my fashion blog!
Enter the MyBeautyBox giveaway!!
i love your blog!you have lots of beauty product!:D
OOh! great post!!!!:)
ReplyDeleteWao koja glamurozna sminka! *.*
ReplyDeleteOsvoji nakit: >> GIVEAWAY <<
Cini mi se da imamo jako slican "ukus" sto se tice sminke!;)
ReplyDeleteHvala na komentaru devojke, pratim vas od danas!
Awesome post, thanks you, dear!!!
You both really do have amazing collection on make up! any how I follow you on Twitter and GFC and I want to follow you on Bloglovin too but I can't find it, do you have one? please let me know. xoxo
ReplyDeleteLOVE J
Wow, what an amazing post! so full of useful information, it's always good to read some good details when it comes to make up. Following a procedure while making oneself up is so important, I think, I'm sure your skin looked perfect after this! xx
ReplyDeletei want them all!!! great post!!
amazing items :)
ReplyDeleteGiveaway Indressme – Win a $40 gift card
Hi dear, follow you back on BLOGLOVIN too! thank you xoxo
ReplyDeleteLOVE J
great post honey, i really love these productsss!
A koliko ceo taj proces traje?..mislim, koliko ranije moram da se probudim da bih bila lepo nasminkana na poslu ? ;) Lepota je u oku posmatraca :))))